Target Stocks

Here you can find our newly designed barrel block stock to suit F class and FTR shooting disciplines.

  • Ture-Flite F Class Barrel Block Stock

    This stock has been designed by Steve Mann, and was developed in house here at True-Flite. Utilising a 150mm Barrel block which clamps the barrel into the stock, allowing the action to free float allows us to use large full profile barrels, and still keep under the 10kg weight restriction whilst still using a Nightforce scope.... although with a 32" barrel, it gets pretty close to the weight limit. This stock tracks like a demon, making it a very competitive rig. With my .284 barrel in it for initial testing, we managed a 3 shot group inside 1" at 900 yards! Watch this space as we have been working on a revised edition of this stock which now is ambidexterous and can take a long and short action in Barnard P, or S actions plus Rem 700 long and short actions.... all in left and right hand.

    Please contact us to purchase.